The assessment of English learners (EL) has been a challenge for psychologists and educators for almost a century (Sanchez, 1934). Trying to differentiate between a learning difference or disorder requires that evaluators collect, synthesize, and analyze multiple sources of information while trying to understand the roots of the individual’s learning difficulties. However, because of complex federal, state, and district mandates or simply lack of training in the assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) learners, there is a temptation to superficially interpret assessment results at the standard score level (i.e., the tip of the iceberg) without going deeper into the many probable causes for the lack of academic progress. However, looking at the student holistically and within the context of cultural and linguistic variables, educational experience, and intervention history will provide the examiner with a more comprehensive outlook of the child. Several psychoeducational assessment frameworks have been proposed highlighting the importance of considering language proficiency, using culturally appropriate tools, and integrating multiple data sources (see Olvera & Gomez-Cerrillo, 2011; Ortiz, 2019; Sanchez et al., 2013). The frameworks have proven helpful and insightful for assessing ELs.
However, to make nondiscriminatory eligibility determinations, it is essential that examiners not only gather multiple sources of information but also use that data to validate standardized cognitive assessment scores. Assessment validation used in this context refers to the process of ensuring the accuracy and quality of the obtained data for educational purposes, including decision-making. For example, not considering English language proficiency and potential acculturation variables during the interpretation process can obscure the true potential of ELs, consequently causing misguided data interpretations by well-meaning educational teams. To provide a framework for validating the cognitive assessments results of ELs, this writer proposes that examiners thoroughly investigate and analyze the following:
Understanding how to apply each step will help the examiner validate the assessment and have confidence when making eligibility determinations. A brief review of each of the factors will ensue:
Once the above factors and their impact on the obtained scores have been considered, the examiner, including the eligibility team, will need to determine if one more of the factors had a positive or negative impact on the testing results. The following scenarios can help apply this framework:
Scenario #1:
Situation: A child obtains significantly low phonological processing scores on a standardized assessment.
Validation Process: The eligibility team should consider whether a lack of access to instructional interventions (#s 2 & 3) or limited English proficiency (#5) can explain low academic performance. If so, it may follow that low standardized test scores reflect a lack of access to linguistically-relevant academic support rather than a disability.
Scenario #2:
Validation Process: Did the examiner provide access to testing accommodations (i.e., providing an interpreter and extra time to process verbal instructions) appropriate for limited English proficiency (#8)? Consequently, lack of access to these accommodations may have hindered the student’s ability to access the language required to understand how to complete the test items. Thus, in this example, like the one above, low test performance may be a result of construct irrelevant variance (i.e., language proficiency) rather than a cognitive deficit.
Considering the abovementioned factors will involve more time given the in-depth analysis; however, taking the time to review each of them will provide the examiner with confidence with the data interpretation ELs beyond the tip of the iceberg and even uncover additional sources of support that may be required to help the child access their curriculum.
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