For many special education teachers, the primary use of The Woodcock-Johnson® IV (WJ IV™) is as part of a psychoeducational evaluation conducted to determine eligibility for special education and related services. Both the WJ IV ACH and OL fill an important role in these evaluations. Due to their comprehensive nature, the WJ IV ACH and WJ IV OL provide an extensive data set to examiners.
In addition to driving decision-making about a student’s initial or continuing eligibility for special
education, the WJ IV ACH and WJ IV OL are important sources of data for creating a student’s educational plan. This may include determining areas of individualized education program (IEP) goals and services, identifying appropriate placements, and planning interventions.
Individually administered standardized assessments (such as The Woodcock-Johnson IV) are an essential component in special education evaluations.The WJ IV is used to provide insight into a student’s ability and skills under optimal conditions: one-on-one with an adult who is providing encouragement, breaks, and rewards as needed. It allows the student to demonstrate his or her ability in academics and language-related areas that are not tied to any particular curriculum or learning sequence. When WJ IV ACH and WJ IV OL scores are used in conjunction with other student data (e.g., parent and teacher reports, classroom observations, curriculum-based measurement, educational history), assessment teams have a robust data set to draw upon when making eligibility determinations.
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