Washington, D.C. -- ESGI (Educational Software for Guiding Instruction), the industry-leading platform that provides actionable insights to support foundational skills development, has earned the Research-Based Design: ESSA Tier 4 product certification from Digital Promise. This product certification serves as a rigorous, reliable signal for district and school leaders, educators, and families looking for edtech products with a confirmed basis in research about learning.
ESGI submitted evidence to Digital Promise confirming a link between research on how students learn and the product's theory of change, aligning with Tier 4 of the ESSA Tiers of Evidence. ESGI also demonstrated its commitment to making its research basis clear and accessible to the public.
"As a trusted partner in education, ESGI is honored to receive the Digital Promise Certification, reinforcing our commitment to empowering educators with the data they need to support student success," said Heather Gunsallus of ESGI. "We remain dedicated to delivering solutions that make a meaningful impact in classrooms."
"Digital Promise is uniquely positioned to actively guide educators and developers to build upon our research-informed insights about how people learn with emerging technology tools and products," said Dr. Pati Ruiz, Senior Director of Edtech and Emerging Technologies at Digital Promise. "Our Research-Based Design product certification recognizes the edtech products that incorporate research about learning and technology integration into their design and development. Congratulations to ESGI for demonstrating that research informs product design!"
ESGI stands out in the field of education technology by helping districts:
● Ensure Student Readiness: ESGI equips your youngest learners with the foundational skills they need to meet grade level standards, ensuring teachers can provide early intervention that leaves no student behind.
● Support Teacher Well-Being: ESGI streamlines manual assessments and simplifies classroom data collection, reducing teacher stress and workload while making it easier to individualize instruction and communicate with parents.
● Improve District Outcomes: ESGI delivers easy-to-understand, actionable data in real-time, enabling district leaders and educators to make informed decisions about resource allocation, professional development, and instructional strategies.
Since 2001, ESGI has supported educators by continuously innovating to ensure young learners are prepared for future success. Now used in over 5,000 districts nationwide, ESGI has made a positive impact on the learning outcomes of over 7 million students.
Through product certifications, consumers can narrow their options as they select products based on research about learning before trying it out in their classrooms. Digital Promise
launched the Research-Based Design product certification in February 2020 and has certified over 100 products to date.
The Research-Based Design product certification uses a competency-based learning framework, developed in consultation with expert researchers in the Learning Sciences field and dozens of educators across the United States. More information on Digital Promise's product certifications can be found at productcertifications.digitalpromise.org
Independent analysis by LXD Research summarizes the foundational design behind ESGI and details how the platform meets ESSA-Level criteria for effectiveness. Download paper to explore:
- Research-based origins of the program’s design
- Clear and accessible logic model
- Anticipated outcomes for districts
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