We often know what students have achieved through tests and quizzes, but do we understand how they learn? With widening opportunity gaps, and evolving standards, understanding each student's learning potential is more crucial than ever. Ability data offers a new way to assess this potential, helping teachers tailor instruction to individual needs.
Ability vs. Achievement
What is Ability?
Ability, or learning potential, reflects a student's readiness to solve problems creatively and adapt to different learning situations, whether in the classroom, through projects, or in hybrid/remote environments. It goes beyond what is taught in school, encompassing skills developed both in and out of the classroom. For instance, a student managing responsibilities at home may develop problem-solving skills not reflected in traditional achievement data.
Potential vs. Developed Skills
While ability often correlates with achievement, exceptions exist. For example, a high-ability student may underperform if disengaged, while a high-achieving student might struggle with independent or novel problem-solving tasks. Knowing a student's ability profile helps tailor strategies to enhance learning and achievement.
What Ability Data Reveals
The Cognitive Abilities Test™ (CogAT®) measures reasoning skills in three areas: Verbal, Quantitative, and Nonverbal. The combined score (VQN) predicts academic success by identifying strengths in specific areas. For instance, strong verbal reasoning indicates readiness for complex reading, while quantitative reasoning aligns with success in math.
Ready to unlock your students' potential?
Contact us today to learn how you can leverage CogAT to support every student's success.