“I have been assessing students with the CogAT screener all summer with much success! There has been very little troubleshooting that has been necessary, and it's been extremely smooth. I am so grateful to Riverside for providing this option to us! Thank you!”
Molly Merkey, Gifted and Talented Coordinator, Glenview District 34
As administrators and school personnel plan and budget for the upcoming school year, now more than ever, accessibility, flexibility, and digital functionality are key factors in district decision-making. Because timely insights are more important than ever, districts have been migrating to online testing. This school year, we saw over 80% of our testing done online. The introduction of blended and remote learning models has only accelerated the digital migration to make access to their student insights quicker and easier.
An Introduction to Riverside Insights Online Testing
While the world is searching for digital solutions to new challenges created by COVID-19, education has been forced to pivot overnight – often with no way to facilitate learning in the absence of digital solutions. New hybrid and remote learning models have increased the importance of centralized platforms like Learning Management Systems for daily instruction, and online assessment platforms are now more critical than ever to answer the key questions: “What do students know? Are students learning? Are they growing?”
Riverside Insights has streamlined the online testing experience to meet the needs of administrators, educators, and students. DataManager, our online scoring and reporting platform, make it easy for you to test both student achievement and ability online with the Iowa Assessments™, Logramos®, IowaFlex™, and CogAT® to answer these critical questions.
Still deciding if your district is read to shift to online testing? Here are some added benefits to consider:
With online testing, administration becomes more…

Without a physical inventory of test materials and answer documents to maintain, there is no need to move boxes of testing documents from building to building. For multi-product users, gain greater insight into your students’ ability, achievement, and growth data with the functionality to export data charts, all on a single platform.

With the Academic Insights Bundles, you can bundle your online assessments with affordable, per-student pricing. No more shipping charges.

Obtain your test results online within 24 hours. No more packing and shipping to send tests in for scoring.
...secureWith online testing, you have greater control over test security. Students are logged directly into the administration portal for testing, alleviating the need for material handling and matching across multiple test sessions. Additionally, viewing student results requires passworded access, allowing to you to maintain data security.

…accessible with on-demand training
Introducing the Riverside Training Academy (RTA). With RTA, get on-demand sessions tailored for your timing and assessment needs. RTA is available to ALL your school’s stakeholders: admins, proctors, teachers, and more.
…flexible for your testing needs

Options for remote testing make it easy to test some students in school and others virtually within the same testing window. Open testing sessions at any time of year with ease, even outside of district testing windows for one-off student testing. Choose the Form, Level, and testing configuration you need for each student without having to stock additional materials.
Additional features to improve the testing experience include:
- Online administration with audio instructions available for the Iowa Assessments, Logramos, and CogAT
- Audio instructions available in 8 languages for CogAT online testing.
- Online reports available through DataManager
- Configurable, interactive reporting
- Compare buildings, grades, and classrooms or drill-down to student level data
- Flexibly filter by subgroup and sort by scores to enable program placement
- Download reports and data in a variety of formats including PDF, Excel, and .csv
- Updated CogAT reporting dashboard
- Click here to access more information on the new CogAT dashboard
More than half of all CogAT testing is now conducted online. Using the principles of Universal Design, we have ensured a comfortable, developmentally appropriate testing experience for students of all ages. Whether testing online and remotely, proctor-led, or self-paced / audio, we develop all our variations of our tests with the same equity, validity and reliability standards regardless of administration format. With Riverside Insights online testing, you gain flexibility and ease of use while maintaining confidence in data to help you understand your students’ growth and potential.