Riverside Insights Launches Battelle Early Childhood Assessment with Updated Data Validity, Digital Administration and Subscription Pricing
Battelle Developmental Inventory, 3rd Edition (BDI-3) makes it easier to obtain more accurate data for early identification of a child’s developmental progress, assess readiness for school, and determine eligibility for special education resources
"ITASCA, Ill. – October 6th, 2020 – Riverside Insights®, a leading developer of research-based assessments that provide insights to help elevate potential, announced today the official launch of the Battelle® Developmental Inventory, 3rd Edition™ (BDI-3™) to customers in the United States and internationally, including Canada and Mexico. The enhancements to the BDI-3 include expanded digital administration and reporting tools, as well as updated standardization and norms. This makes the BDI-3 the most comprehensive early childhood assessment on the market. With this release, Riverside is also the first assessment provider to introduce an affordable subscription model that enables continued enhancements of the testing experience – from administration to reporting..."
To view the official press release, click here
For more information on the BDI-3, visit us at bdi-3.com