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Clinical and Special Education Woodcock-Johnson

A Psychometric Network Analysis of CHC Intelligence Measures: Implications for Research, Theory and Interpretation of Broad CHC Scores "Beyond g"

Riverside Insights
Written By Riverside Insights
On Feb 1, 2023
2 minute read

A Psychometric Network Analysis of CHC Intelligence Measures: Implications for Research, Theory and Interpretation of Broad CHC Scores "Beyond g"


2023-01-26 10_00_50-J. Intell. _ Free Full-Text _ A Psychometric Network Analysis of CHC Intelligenc

Check out the latest research from Dr. Kevin McGrew, author of the Woodcock-Johnson IV tests. In this article, Dr. McGrew and others explore an in-depth analysis of the importance of Cattell–Horn–Carroll (CHC) theory, relative to general intelligence (g) scores. Researchers "apply a Gaussian graphical network model to the age 9–19 standardization sample of the Woodcock–Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability—Fourth Edition." Discover the results in the full article.


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by Kevin S. McGrew, W. Joel Scheider, Scott L. Decker, and Okan Bulut.


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Copy of Speaker Bubble  (3)Kevin S. McGrew, Ph. D.

Dr. McGrew is the director of the Institute for Applied Psychometrics (IAP) and a visiting lecturer in Educational Psychology (School Psychology Program) at the University of Minnesota. He received his BA in Psychology and MS in School Psychology from Minnesota State University–Moorhead and his doctorate in Educational Psychology from the University of Minnesota. He is currently serving as an intelligence theory and testing consultant on two major international test development projects and has served as a measurement consultant to a number of psychological test publishers, including Riverside Insights. Dr. McGrew has extensive experience in the development and psychometric analysis of nationally standardized norm-referenced psychological and educational assessment instruments. He was the primary measurement consultant (and first author of the technical manual) for the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery–Revised (WJ-R®) and served in the same capacity as coauthor for numerous other assessments, up to and including the Woodcock-Johnson IV (WJ IV™).


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