New emergency relief funds of $54 billion dollars announced to support schools ongoing educational and learning needs in COVID-19
Additional school relief funds totaling $67.6 Billion between ESSER I and ESSER II are now available as part of the CARES Act and CRRSA to support school resource needs created by the effects of COVID-19 and school closures. Review the below FAQ to determine how you can use allocated funds to support your educational needs this Spring.
Overview of available stimulus funds:
To provide educators with economic support for resource challenges created by the effects of COVID-19 and nation-wide school closures, the CARES Act created the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) in the Spring of 2020, which allocated $13 Billion of funding to support specific school areas of need. Recently, additional COVID-19 relief funds have been announced as part of the CRRSA Act, which will provide an additional $54 Billion emergency relief package for the education system to address the on-going impacts of COVID-19. The funds under the CARES Act (ESSER I) and under the CRRSA Act (ESSER II) are allocated for specific purposes.
Opportunities for using your ESSER funds:
click here to download the infographic
ESSER I & II Funding Categories |
Example Uses |
Riverside Solutions |
Uses authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act |
Addressing Learning Loss among students, including by using high-quality, valid and reliable assessments |
Address needs of historically marginalized and vulnerable populations |
Resources for school leaders to address local needs |
Mental Health Services |
How to access your ESSER Funds:
The U.S. Department of Education (DOE) distributes all ESSER I & II funds. The DOE makes grants available to each State Educational Agency (SEA) (i.e., State boards of education). Distributions from the DOE to SEAs are made in proportion to a state’s allocation of Title I funds in the most recent fiscal year. An SEA, in turn, distributes at least 90% of the funds to Local Educational Agencies (LEA) (e.g., a school district, charter schools). The remaining funds not distributed to LEAs may be retained for state-level expenditures and administrative costs (capped at 0.5% of total allocation to state). Reach out to your SEA to inquire about accessing your school or districts’ available funds.
For more detailed information comparing the conditions for ESSER I & ESSER II funds, please see the summary below:
Total Amount of Fund |
$13,229,265,000 |
$54,311,004,000 |
Allocation by State |
Timing for SEA Sub-granting Funds to LEAs |
Within 1 year of SEA receiving award (April through June 2021, depending on SEA’s award date) |
Within 1 year of SEA receiving award (January 2022) |
Latest Date LEAs Can Obligate Funds |
September 30, 2022 |
September 30, 2023 |
Pre-Award Costs |
May be used for pre-award costs dating back to March 13, 2020 |
Approved Uses of Funds |
(1) Uses authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (e.g., promoting bilingual education, support for students with disabilities); (4) Address needs of historically marginalized and vulnerable populations; (5) Improving general preparedness and response efforts; (6) Coordinating long-term closure (e.g., remote learning, providing meals); (7) Training on sanitation and minimizing disease spread; (8) Cleaning supplies; (9) Education technology for students; (10) Mental health services; (11) Summer learning and after-school programming; (12) Discretionary money for principals to address student needs; (13) Other activities to maintain operations and to continue employing staff; (14) Addressing learning loss among students, including by using high-quality, valid, and reliable assessments; (15) Facility repairs/improvement to reduce risk of virus transmission; and (16) improving in-door air quality |
Non-Public Schools |
An LEA that receives ESSER I funds must provide equitable services to non-public school students and teachers |
“Equitable Services” requirement does not apply. Non-public school assistance covered under separate program of Emergency Assistance for Non-Public Schools (EANS).
EANS: $2,750,000,000 is reserved for an Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS) program. Non-public schools may apply to an SEA to receive services or assistance. Generally, allowable activities under EANS relate to safely reopening schools, continuing instruction, addressing learning loss, supporting educational technology and reimbursing for certain coronavirus-related costs. |
Tracking Funds |
ESSER I and ESSER II funds must be tracked separately. |