Lupina Vela
Lupina Vela began her lifelong advocacy for bilingual and English learner education as a teacher in the public-school system. She provided workshops as part of a train the trainer cadre. Her commitment included presentations at local, regional, state, and national organizations focusing on English language development, reading intervention, vocabulary development, and assessment. A career highlight includes participation as a member of the IRA Commission for Second Language Learners alongside MaryElen Vogt, David and Yvonne Freeman, Deborah Short, and other notable IRA members. As a trainer, Lupina has provided professional development on Sheltered Instruction, the fundamentals of reading instruction for several State Departments of Education, reading intervention for grades K-8, and academic language development. As a Senior Assessment Consultant with Riverside Insights®, Lupina has provided trainings on administering a variety of assessments and interpreting student data to monitor progress and inform instruction. These assessments include The Iowa Assessments™ – English assessment, Logramos® – Spanish achievement assessment, the CogAT®, and the Woodcock Muñoz Language Survey – English and Spanish editions.