“Teachers can be relieved and even emotional when receiving the CogAT® scores for students who haven’t achieved up to their ability, and teachers knew the students had the ability but couldn’t show it."

Jefferson County (JeffCo) Public Schools in Colorado has administered the Cognitive Abilities Test™ (CogAT®) for decades but over the past eight years, they have refined their resources and training processes to maximize the use of CogAT data for student learning.
Read this case study to discover how this district employs CogAT to differentiate between student ability and achievement to accurately inform decisions for gifted programs, special education programs, and ESL programs and to guide instruction consistently across every classroom.
For additional information on JeffCo and their program, view these full-length webinars:
Part 1: Building Structures that Engage Stakeholders with Cognitive Data
Part 2: Building Capacity for Educators to Leverage Cognitive Data in the Classroom