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CogAT, Universal Screening

Educator Spotlight: Audra Rowell’s Mission to Expand Gifted Education in Northwest ISD

CogAT, multilingual learners

CogAT Wins Excellence in Equity Award for Multilingual Learning Innovation

CogAT, Universal Screening

Educator Spotlight: Christine Williamson and Her Mission to Transform Gifted Education at KIPP New Jersey

CogAT, Universal Screening

Getting Value and Equity from Your Universal Screening Process: A Comprehensive Approach

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

Understanding Student Potential: The Role of Ability Data


Using Ability Tests in Gifted and Talented Programs: Key Insights

CogAT, K-12 Education, K-12 Ability Assessments

Gifted under-identification: How to improve diverse student access to gifted programming

CogAT, K-12 Education, K-12 Ability Assessments, Social Emotional Learning, student growth

“Stretch or Support” Student Ability with Data – and Games!

CogAT, K-12 Education, K-12 Ability Assessments, K-12 Achievement Assessments, Social Emotional Learning, student growth, Intervention

Edtech Predictions for 2024

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments, Parent Resources

Riverside Insights Debuts All-New

CogAT, K-12 Education, English Language Learners, K-12 Ability Assessments

This Child is Gifted. Now What?

CogAT, K-12 Education, English Language Learners, K-12 Ability Assessments

Supporting Emerging Bilinguals: Part 2

CogAT, K-12 Education, K-12 RTI/MTSS

Enhance Quantitative Reasoning Skills

CogAT, K-12 Education, English Language Learners, K-12 Ability Assessments

Supporting Emerging Bilinguals: Part 1

Videos and Webinars, CogAT, K-12 Education, Iowa Assessments, English Language Learners, K-12 Ability Assessments, K-12 Achievement Assessments, IowaFlex, easyCBM

Balanced Assessment Playbook: Building an Assessment Program to Meet Every Student's Needs

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments, Parent Resources

A Parent's Guide to Ability and Student Learning

CogAT, K-12 Education, Iowa Assessments, K-12 Ability Assessments, K-12 Achievement Assessments

Deconstructing the Data: An overview of Riverside's COVID Impact Research

CogAT, K-12 Education, K-12 Ability Assessments, K-12 Achievement Assessments

Predictions for Gifted Education in 2023

CogAT, K-12 Education, K-12 Ability Assessments

Beyond GT Identification: Are your students actually making academic gains?

CogAT, K-12 Education, K-12 Ability Assessments, Case Studies

A Bridge to Equity with Ability Data: A Colorado Case Study

CogAT, K-12 Education, Clinical and Special Education, Woodcock-Johnson, K-12 Ability Assessments, K-12 Achievement Assessments, K-12 RTI/MTSS

Riverside Wins Inaugural Accessibility Award from Excellence in Equity

CogAT, K-12 Education, K-12 Ability Assessments, K-12 Achievement Assessments

How To Strategically Disrupt your Assessment Practices

CogAT, K-12 Education, K-12 Ability Assessments, K-12 Achievement Assessments

Best Practices for Gifted Placement and Programming

CogAT, K-12 Education, K-12 Ability Assessments

Why Universal Screening is a more Equitable Identifier of Gifted Students

CogAT, K-12 Education, K-12 Ability Assessments, K-12 Achievement Assessments, Case Studies

Using a Strengths-Based Approach to Understanding Students’ Aptitude

CogAT, K-12 Education, Iowa Assessments, K-12 Ability Assessments, K-12 Achievement Assessments

Testing Ability & Achievement Gives Insight into the Whole Child

CogAT, K-12 Education, K-12 Ability Assessments

Voice of a Gifted Coordinator: Why CogAT for Gifted Identification?

CogAT, K-12 Education, Iowa Assessments, K-12 Ability Assessments, Case Studies

Case Study: Introducing Multiple Pathways to Enable Talented Students

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

The CogAT Difference: Key CogAT Features to Advance Equity

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

Cognitively Speaking: A Closer Look at Local Norms

CogAT, K-12 Education, K-12 Ability Assessments

Ability Data: Bridging the Gap Between Student Potential & Achievement

CogAT, K-12 Education, K-12 Ability Assessments

CogAT Selected for Statewide Universal Screening in Arizona

Videos and Webinars, CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

G&T Programs: Best Practices for Promoting Diversity in Identification

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

Cognitively Speaking: Why and How to Use Local Norms

CogAT, Iowa Assessments, K-12 Ability Assessments, K-12 Achievement Assessments, K-12 RTI/MTSS, IowaFlex

Training Academy to Help Educators Accelerate K-12 Testing Preparation

CogAT, Clinical and Special Education, K-12 Ability Assessments

Implementing Differentiation in the Classroom: 4 Key Questions Answered

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

CogAT® Launches New Dashboard Reporting to Champion Equity

CogAT, Clinical and Special Education, K-12 Ability Assessments, K-12 RTI/MTSS, Case Studies

Case Study: A Playbook for Advancing Equity and Inclusion in Gifted and Special Ed Programs

CogAT, K-12 Education, Iowa Assessments, Remote Assessment Administration, K-12 Ability Assessments, K-12 Achievement Assessments

Why Schools are Moving to Online Testing and Why You Should Too [Free Downloadable]

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

Take That Score Out of the Drawer! Introducing the New CogAT® Dashboard

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

Using CogAT® to Guide Learning During and After COVID-19

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

How CogAT® Provides Insight into Student Ability and Learning

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

The Impact of COVID on Learning and Cognitive Ability

CogAT, Iowa Assessments, Remote Assessment Administration, K-12 Ability Assessments, K-12 Achievement Assessments, K-12 RTI/MTSS

Measure the Impact of COVID on Student Learning to Begin Closing the Gap

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments, Parent Resources

Cognitive Abilities Test™ (CogAT®) Explained in 6 Minutes

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments, Parent Resources

Spatially Talented Kids: Developing an Under-appreciated Skillset

Videos and Webinars, CogAT, English Language Learners, K-12 Ability Assessments

Identifying English Learner Students for Gifted and Talented Programming

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

Getting Value and Equity from Your Universal Screening Process

Videos and Webinars, CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

Options for Language‐Reduced and Nonverbal Administration with CogAT Form 7 and 8

Videos and Webinars, CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

Evidence‐based Suggestions of How to Set up a Universal Screening Process

Videos and Webinars, CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

The Myth of Culture-Fair Tests

CogAT, English Language Learners, K-12 Ability Assessments

Measuring Reasoning Skills Among English Learner Students

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

Using CogAT Score Profiles to Differentiate Instruction

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

CogAT Success Story - Mankato Public Schools

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

Four Key Questions on Differentiating Instruction

Videos and Webinars, CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

Differentiating the Classroom Use CogAT Ability Profile Scores Schoolwide

Videos and Webinars, CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

CogAT and Culturally Responsive Identification Practices

Videos and Webinars, CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

Getting to Know CogAT

Videos and Webinars, CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

An Interview with Dr. Joni Lakin, Author of CogAT

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

The Essentials: Using Ability Tests in Gifted and Talented Identification Programs

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

Universal Screening in Gifted and Talented Identification: Implementation and Overcoming Challenges

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

Introducing Form 8 for CogAT

CogAT, K-12 Ability Assessments

CogAT® Form 7 2017 Normative Update

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